About Us

How do you show your faith and how do you serve others for Jesus?

Do you stand on a street corner holding a sign for Jesus?

Do you shout it from a mountain top? (I know there has been times I have wanted to).

Do you pray in a crowded lunch room with your friends?

Somedays it may be praising Jesus in church during worship. Or it may be showing grace to the driver who just cut you off in traffic. There have been days I have wondered. "Do the people who are around me know that I believe in Jesus?"

God calls us to share his love, spread the word about him and live our lives for him.

Many times listening to the preacher talk about how we should show our faith and serve others, I continually felt that I wasn't good enough at anything to serve God. One day it clicked, I print t-shirts, why couldn't I print t-shirts to show others about God. Now here we are.